There are a number of different fee options, depending on age and level of study. Below you will find an outline of the criteria, fees and financial support information.
Accommodation fees 2022/23 can be accessed here. The fee schedule includes a 3 Day Meal Card option of £39 per week – a 5 Day Meal Card of £58 per week, and a £66 per week for a 7 Day Meal Card. Meal cards are compulsory for under 18 students.
For students who will be 18+ years of age as of 1 September 2022 studying a Further Education course, accommodation is provided 7 days per week (not including half term and holidays*). Please note that all students have to clear and vacate their rooms during holidays and half terms unless stated otherwise.
For students who will be 18+ years of age as of 1st September 2022 studying a Higher Education course, accommodation is for seven days per week including half terms (not including Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays).
Please note that all students have to clear and vacate their rooms during the Easter and Summer holidays.
Accommodation fees for 2023/24 are currently being agreed and will be published here in Spring 2023.
University Centre Somerset holds funds to provide financial assistance to students who meet the criteria in the form of accommodation bursaries. These are means tested and are subject to change. Forms can be obtained from Student Support. For more information and advice please speak to Student Support on 01278 441233.
Please note, if you are unsure what level of study applies to you please call the Residential Team for clarification before completing the accommodation application form. Please contact the Residential Team on 01278 655149 or for more information.